"Roller-Coaster Construction"
This was an interesting read for me in that it has, in a sense, disagreed or counteracted with certain design principles that I have paid much attention to in past studios. The article encourages removing oneself from the restrictions that materiality and construction can have on creativity during the design process. To not focus on materiality and construction while designing creates new options and allows for a vast array of abstract forms to be thought up and considered. Once the form is derived, building construction and materials can be analyzed. In previous projects, for myself, this has limited me creatively during the design process, and is certainly something to think about moving forward with future projects.
I agree. It seems so counterintuitive to develop through the design process without the context and restrictions of material and construction. But in a way it goes back to the shapes and morphologies we are working with in the digital realm. There is so much flexibility and freedom without these restrictions, but can we learn to think this way? And can we design without guidelines? Restrictions make it easier...to stay inside a box. I guess you're right, it's limiting.